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WoW Classic: Level 19 Twink Class Guide – Gear List and Talent Builds

Twink is a non-max, usually level 19 or level 29 character, with the best gear and enchants for world PVP and Battlegrounds.
This guide helps you to choose right gear and talents’ builds for all classes.


PvP Spec 0/5/5 (recommended)

Balance Ranged DPS 10/0/0

Standard DPS 5/0/5

Gear List:

Head:  Lucky Fishing Hat is award from Rare Fish – Keefer’s Angelfish/ Green Tinted Goggles – Engineering crafted (requires 150 skill).

Neck:  Sentinel’s Medallion sold By Illiyana Moonblaze (Requires Honored WSG Reputation)/  Scout’s Medallion sold By Kelm Hargunth (Requires Honored WSG Reputation).

Shoulder:  Talbar Mantle. Reward for quest from  Glowing Shard dropped by Mutanus the Devourer In Wailing Caverns.

Back:  Sentry Cloak World drop or Glowing Lizardscale Cloak drops Skum in Wailing Caverns.

Chest:  Blackened Defias Armor from Edwin VanCleef In The Deadmines/  Tunic of Westfall from The Defias Brotherhood (Alliance).

Wrist:  Wrangler’s Wristbands (+ 5 Stamina) – world drop /Forest Leather Bracers – world drop.

Hands:  Scouting Gloves (of the Eagle) – world Drop.

Waist:  Deviate Scale Belt – Leatherworking crafted.

Legs:  Scouting Trousers (of the Eagle) – World Drop / Dark Leather Pants (crafted)/  Leggings of the Fang Dropped by Lord Cobrahn in Wailing Caverns.

Feet: Grizzled Boots reward from The Book of Ur (Horde)/ Footpads of the Fang from Lord Serpentis in Wailing Caverns / Feet of the Lynx – world drop.

Finger: Blood Ring – world drop /  Seal of Wrynn from  An Audience with the King (Alliance)/  Seal of Sylvanas from Arugal Must Die (Horde).

Trinket:  Arena Grand Master from Arena Grandmaster/  Insignia of the Alliance sold by Officer Areyn in Stormwind City (requires PVP Rank 2)/  Insignia of the Horde sold by Sergeant Ba’sha in Orgrimmar (requires PVP Rank 2).

One-Hand Weapon:  Wingblade reward from Leaders of the Fang (Horde)/  Face Smasher – world drop.

Off-Hand: Furbolg Medicine Pouch (requires Honored with Timbermaw Hold).

Two-Hand Weapon:  Twisted Chanter’s Staff – world drop.



Best Twink Hunter DPS Spec 5/5/0

Marksmanship DPS 0/10/0

Balanced Spec 10/0/0

Beast Mastery Spec 10/0/0

Gear List:

Head:  Lucky Fishing Hat is award from Rare Fish – Keefer’s Angelfish/  Green Tinted GogglesEngineering crafted (requires 150 skill).

Neck:  Sentinel’s Medallion sold by Illiyana Moonblaze (Requires Honored WSG Reputation)/  Scout’s Medallion sold by Kelm Hargunth (Requires Honored WSG Reputation).

Shoulder:  Talbar Mantle is a reward from  Glowing Shard dropped by Mutanus the Devourer In Wailing Caverns.

Back:  Sentry Cloak World drop or Glowing Lizardscale Cloak drops Skum in Wailing Caverns.

Chest:  Blackened Defias Armor drops from Edwin VanCleef In The Deadmines/  Tunic of Westfall from The Defias Brotherhood (alliance).

Wrist:  Wrangler’s Wristbands (of the Monkey) – world drop / Forest Leather Bracers – world drop.

Hands:  Scouting Gloves (of the Monkey) – world drop.

Waist:  Deviate Scale Belt – Leatherworking crafted.

Legs:  Scouting Trousers ( of the Eagle) World Drop / Dark Leather Pants (crafted)/  Leggings of the Fang Dropped by Lord Cobrahn in Wailing Caverns.

Feet: Grizzled Boots reward from The Book of Ur (Horde)/ Footpads of the Fang from Lord Serpentis in Wailing Caverns / Feet of the Lynxworld drop.

Finger:  Meadow Ring (of the Monkey) World drop/  Seal of Wrynn from An Audience with the King (Alliance)/  Seal of Sylvanas from Arugal Must Die (Horde).

Trinket:  Arena Grand Master is a reward from  Arena Grandmaster/ Insignia of the Alliance is sold by Officer Areyn in Stormwind City (Requires PVP Rank 2)/  Insignia of the Horde is sold by Sergeant Ba’sha in Orgrimmar (Requires PVP Rank 2).

Ranged Weapon:  Venomstrike drops by Lord Serpentis in Wailing Caverns.

One-Hand Weapon:  Face Smasher World drop/ Wingblade is a reward from Leaders of the Fang (horde).

Off-Hand: Furbolg Medicine Pouch (requires Honored with Timbermaw Hold).

Two-Hand Weapon:  Twisted Chanter’s Staff – world drop/ Taskmaster Axe from Sneed in The Deadmines.



Fire Spec 0/10/0

Frost spec 0/0/10

Arcane Spec 7/0/3

Gear List:

Head:  Lucky Fishing Hat is a reward from Rare Fish – Keefer’s Angelfish/ Shadow Goggles – Engineering crafted (requires 120 skill).

Neck:  Sentinel’s Medallion Sold By Illiyana Moonblaze (Requires Honored WSG Reputation) / Scout’s Medallion Sold by Kelm Hargunth (Requires Honored WSG Reputation).

Shoulder: Talbar Mantle from  Glowing Shard dropped by Mutanus the Devourer In Wailing Caverns.

Back:  Engineer’s Cloak is a reward from  Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle.

Chest:  Tree Bark Jacket – world drop.

Wrist:  Mindthrust Bracers – world drop.

Hands:  Magefist Gloves – world drop.

Waist:  Keller’s Girdle – world drop.

Legs:  Darkweave Breeches – world drop.

Feet:  Nat Pagle’s Extreme Anglin’ Boots is a reward from Rare Fish – Brownell’s Blue Striped Racer/  Sanguine Sandalsworld drop.

Finger:  Lorekeeper’s Ring sold By Illiyana Moonblaze (requires Honored WSG reputation) /  Advisor’s Ring Sold By Kelm Hargunth (requires Honored WSG reputation) /  Seal of Wrynn is a reward from  An Audience with the King for Alliance /  Seal of Sylvanas from  Arugal Must Die/ Lavishly Jeweled Ring drops from Gilnid in The Deadmines.

Trinket:  Arena Grand Master from  Arena Grandmaster/ Insignia of the Alliance is sold by Officer Areyn in Stormwind City (Requires PVP Rank 2)/  Insignia of the Horde is sold by Sergeant Ba’sha in Orgrimmar (Requires PVP Rank 2).

Ranged Weapon:  Gravestone Scepter from quest Blackfathom Villainy for Alliance and Blackfathom Villainy for Horde.

Main Hand Weapon:  Night Watch Shortsword – world drop.

Off-Hand: Furbolg Medicine Pouch (requires Honored with Timbermaw Hold).

Two-Hand Weapon:  Twisted Chanter’s Staff – world drop.



Standard Damage 0/5/5

Off Healing/Damage 10/0/0

Gear List:

Head:  Lucky Fishing Hat is award from Rare Fish – Keefer’s Angelfish/  Green Tinted Goggles – Engineering crafted (requires 150 skill).

Neck:  Sentinel’s Medallion is sold by Illiyana Moonblaze (Requires Honored WSG reputation).

Shoulder:  Talbar Mantle is a reward  Glowing Shard from Mutanus the Devourer In Wailing Caverns.

Back:  Caretaker’s Cape is sold by Illiyana Moonblaze (requires Honored WSG reputation)/  Engineer’s Cloak is a reward from  Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle.

Chest:   Blackened Defias Armor drops from Edwin VanCleef In The Deadmines.

Wrist:  Beetle Clasps is a reward from Researching the Corruption.

Hands:  Defender Gauntlets (of the Eagle) – world drop /  Thorbia’s Gauntlets – world drop.

Waist:  Fortified Belt (of the Eagle) – world drop /  Corbrahn’s Grasp drops from Lord Corbrahn in Wailing Caverns.

Legs:  Grunt’s Legguards (of the Eagle) World drop/  Chausses of Westfall is award from The Defias Brotherhood.

Feet:  Nat Pagle’s Extreme Anglin’ Boots from  Rare Fish – Brownell’s Blue Striped Racer/ Silver-linked Footguards – world drop.

Finger:  Lorekeeper’s Ring is sold by Illiyana Moonblaze (Requires Honored WSG Reputation)/  Seal of Wrynn is a reward from  An Audience with the King .

Trinket:  Arena Grand Master is a reward from  Arena Grandmaster/  Insignia of the Alliance is sold by Officer Areyn in Stormwind City (Requires PVP Rank 2).

Main Hand Weapon:  Forester’s Axe (of the Eagle) – world drop/  Shadowfang drops in Shadowfang Keep.

Off-Hand:  Arctic Buckler is reward from  Blackfathom Villainy.

Two-Hand Weapon:  Glacial Stone is a reward from Raene’s Cleansing.



Discipline DPS/Healing 8/2/0

Shadow DPS 0/3/7

Holy Healing 0/10/0

Gear List:

Head:  Lucky Fishing Hat is a reward from Rare Fish – Keefer’s Angelfish/ Shadow Goggles – Engineering crafted (requires 120 skill).

Neck:  Sentinel’s Medallion Sold By Illiyana Moonblaze (Requires Honored WSG Reputation) / Scout’s Medallion Sold by Kelm Hargunth (Requires Honored WSG Reputation).

Shoulder:  Talbar Mantle is a reward  Glowing Shard from Mutanus the Devourer In Wailing Caverns.

Back:   Caretaker’s Cape is sold by Illiyana Moonblaze (requires Honored WSG reputation)/  Battle Healer’s Cloak Sold By Kelm Hargunth (requires Honored WSG reputation) /  Engineer’s Cloak is a reward from  Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle.

Chest:  Tree Bark Jacket – world drop.

Wrist:  Mindthrust Bracers/  Bright Bracers – world drop.

Hands:  Magefist Gloves – world drop.

Waist:  Keller’s Girdle – world drop.

Legs:  Darkweave Breeches – world drop.

Feet:  Nat Pagle’s Extreme Anglin’ Boots is a reward from Rare Fish – Brownell’s Blue Striped Racer/  Sanguine Sandalsworld drop.

Finger:  Lorekeeper’s Ring sold By Illiyana Moonblaze (requires Honored WSG reputation) /  Advisor’s Ring Sold By Kelm Hargunth (requires Honored WSG reputation) /  Seal of Wrynn is a reward from  An Audience with the King for Alliance /  Seal of Sylvanas from  Arugal Must Die.

Trinket:  Arena Grand Master from  Arena Grandmaster/ Insignia of the Alliance is sold by Officer Areyn in Stormwind City (Requires PVP Rank 2)/  Insignia of the Horde is sold by Sergeant Ba’sha in Orgrimmar (Requires PVP Rank 2).

Main Hand Weapon:   Evocator’s Blade/  Night Watch Shortsword – world drop.

Off-Hand: Furbolg Medicine Pouch (requires Honored with Timbermaw Hold).

Ranged Weapon:  Gravestone Scepter from quest Blackfathom Villainy for Alliance and Blackfathom Villainy for Horde.

Two-Hand Weapon:  Staff of the Blessed Seer drops in Blackfathom Depths.



Sword DPS 5/0/5
Ambush DPS 8/2/0

Gear List:

Head:  Lucky Fishing Hat is award from Rare Fish – Keefer’s Angelfish/  Green Tinted GogglesEngineering crafted (requires 150 skill).

Neck:  Sentinel’s Medallion Sold By Illiyana Moonblaze (Requires Honored WSG Reputation) / Scout’s Medallion Sold by Kelm Hargunth (Requires Honored WSG Reputation).

Shoulder:  Talbar Mantle is a reward  Glowing Shard from Mutanus the Devourer In Wailing Caverns.

Back:  Sentry Cloak World drop or Glowing Lizardscale Cloak drops Skum in Wailing Caverns.

Chest:  Blackened Defias Armor drops from Edwin VanCleef In The Deadmines/  Tunic of Westfall from The Defias Brotherhood (alliance).

Wrist:  Wrangler’s Wristbands (of the Monkey) – world drop  / Forest Leather Bracers – world drop.

Hands:  Scouting Gloves  (of the Monkey) – world drop.

Waist:  Deviate Scale Belt – Leatherworking crafted.

Legs:  Scouting Trousers ( of the Monkey) – world drop / Dark Leather Pants (crafted)/  Leggings of the Fang Dropped by Lord Cobrahn in Wailing Caverns.

Feet: Grizzled Boots reward from The Book of Ur (Horde)/ Footpads of the Fang from Lord Serpentis in Wailing Caverns / Feet of the Lynxworld drop.

Finger:  Protector’s Band Sold By Illiyana Moonblaze (Requires Honored WSG Reputation)/  Legionnaire’s Band Sold By Kelm Hargunth (Requires Honored WSG Reputation)/ Seal of Wrynn is a reward from  An Audience with the King for Alliance / Seal of Sylvanas from  Arugal Must Die for Horde.

Trinket:  Arena Grand Master from  Arena Grandmaster/ Insignia of the Alliance is sold by Officer Areyn in Stormwind City (Requires PVP Rank 2)/  Insignia of the Horde is sold by Sergeant Ba’sha in Orgrimmar (Requires PVP Rank 2).

Main Hand Weapon:  Shadowfang drops in Shadowfang Keep.

Off-Hand Weapon:  Assassin’s Blade drops in Shadowfang Keep.

Ranged Weapon:  Outrunner’s Bow sold by Illiyana Moonblaze (Requires Revered WSG Reputation)/ Outrider’s Bow sold By Kelm Hargunth (Requires Revered WSG Reputation).



Elemental DPS 10/0/0

Restoration Healing 0/0/10

Enchanement DPS 0/10/0

Gear List:

Head:  Lucky Fishing Hat is award from Rare Fish – Keefer’s Angelfish/  Green Tinted GogglesEngineering crafted (requires 150 skill).

Neck:   Scout’s Medallion Sold by Kelm Hargunth (Requires Honored WSG Reputation).

Shoulder:  Talbar Mantle is a reward  Glowing Shard from Mutanus the Devourer In Wailing Caverns.

Back:  Sentry Cloak World drop or Glowing Lizardscale Cloak drops Skum in Wailing Caverns.

Chest:   Blackened Defias Armor drops from Edwin VanCleef In The Deadmines.

Wrist:  Wrangler’s Wristbands (of the Eagle) – world drop / Forest Leather Bracers – world drop.

Hands:  Scouting Gloves  (of the Eagle) – world drop.

Waist:  Deviate Scale Belt – Leatherworking crafted/  Keller’s Girdle – world drop.

Legs: Scouting Trousers(of the Eagle) – world drop /   Leggings of the Fang Dropped by Lord Cobrahn in Wailing Caverns.

Finger:  Advisor’s Ring Sold By Kelm Hargunth (requires Honored WSG reputation) /  Legionnaire’s Band Sold By Kelm Hargunth (Requires Honored WSG Reputation) /  Seal of Sylvanas from  Arugal Must Die for Horde.

Trinket:  Arena Grand Master from  Arena Grandmaster/ Insignia of the Alliance is sold by Officer Areyn in Stormwind City (Requires PVP Rank 2)/  Insignia of the Horde is sold by Sergeant Ba’sha in Orgrimmar (Requires PVP Rank 2).

Main Hand Weapon:  Assassin’s Blade drops in Shadowfang Keep/ Evocator’s Blade – world drop.

Off-Hand:  Deadskull Shield is a reward from Battle of Hillsbrad  Arctic Buckler is reward from  Blackfathom Villainy.

Two-Hand Weapon:  Staff of the Blessed Seer drops in Blackfathoom Depths.



Tanky Damage Build 5/5/0

DPS build 0/0/10

Gear List:

Head:  Lucky Fishing Hat is a reward from Rare Fish – Keefer’s Angelfish/ Shadow Goggles – Engineering crafted (requires 120 skill).

Neck:  Sentinel’s Medallion Sold By Illiyana Moonblaze (Requires Honored WSG Reputation) / Scout’s Medallion Sold by Kelm Hargunth (Requires Honored WSG Reputation).

Shoulder:  Talbar Mantle is a reward  Glowing Shard from Mutanus the Devourer In Wailing Caverns.

Back: Engineer’s Cloak is a reward from Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle.

Chest:  Tree Bark Jacket – world drop.

Wrist:  Mindthrust Bracers/  Bright Bracers – world drop.

Hands:  Magefist Gloves – world drop.

Waist:  Keller’s Girdle – world drop.

Legs:  Darkweave Breeches – world drop.

Feet:  Nat Pagle’s Extreme Anglin’ Boots is a reward from Rare Fish – Brownell’s Blue Striped Racer/  Sanguine Sandalsworld drop.

Finger:  Lorekeeper’s Ring sold By Illiyana Moonblaze (requires Honored WSG reputation) /  Advisor’s Ring Sold By Kelm Hargunth (requires Honored WSG reputation) /  Seal of Wrynn is a reward from  An Audience with the King for Alliance /  Seal of Sylvanas from  Arugal Must Die.

Trinket:  Arena Grand Master from  Arena Grandmaster/ Insignia of the Alliance is sold by Officer Areyn in Stormwind City (Requires PVP Rank 2)/  Insignia of the Horde is sold by Sergeant Ba’sha in Orgrimmar (Requires PVP Rank 2).

Main Hand Weapon:   Evocator’s Blade/  Night Watch Shortsword – world drop.

Off-Hand: Furbolg Medicine Pouch (requires Honored with Timbermaw Hold).

Ranged Weapon:  Gravestone Scepter from quest Blackfathom Villainy for Alliance and Blackfathom Villainy for Horde.

Two-Hand Weapon:  Witching Stave drops in Shadowfang Keep.



DPS 5/5/0

Tank Flag Runner 5/0/5

Balance damage tank 6/4/0

Gear List:

Head:  Lucky Fishing Hat is award from Rare Fish – Keefer’s Angelfish/  Green Tinted GogglesEngineering crafted (requires 150 skill).

Neck:  Sentinel’s Medallion Sold By Illiyana Moonblaze (Requires Honored WSG Reputation) / Scout’s Medallion Sold by Kelm Hargunth (Requires Honored WSG Reputation).

Shoulder:  Talbar Mantle is a reward  Glowing Shard from Mutanus the Devourer In Wailing Caverns.

Back:  Sentry Cloak World drop or Glowing Lizardscale Cloak drops Skum in Wailing Caverns.

Chest:   Blackened Defias Armor drops from Edwin VanCleef In The Deadmines.

Wrist:  Beetle Clasps is a reward from  Researching the Corruption/ Steel-Clasped Bracers from The Book of Ur.

Hands:  Thorbia’s Gauntlets – world drop.

Waist:  Fortified Belt (of the Bear) – world drop/  Cobrahn’s Grasp drops from Lord Corbrahn in Wailing Caverns.

Legs:  Chausses of Westfall is award from The Defias Brotherhood /  Leggings of the Fang Dropped by Lord Cobrahn in Wailing Caverns.

Finger:  Protector’s Band Sold By Illiyana Moonblaze (Requires Honored WSG Reputation)/  Legionnaire’s Band Sold By Kelm Hargunth (Requires Honored WSG Reputation)/ Seal of Wrynn is a reward from  An Audience with the King for Alliance / Seal of Sylvanas from  Arugal Must Die for Horde.

Trinket:  Arena Grand Master from  Arena Grandmaster/ Insignia of the Alliance is sold by Officer Areyn in Stormwind City (Requires PVP Rank 2)/  Insignia of the Horde is sold by Sergeant Ba’sha in Orgrimmar (Requires PVP Rank 2).

Main Hand Weapon:  Shadowfang drops in Shadowfang Keep.

Off Hand:  Redbeard Crest  – world drop.

Ranged Weapon:  Outrunner’s Bow sold by Illiyana Moonblaze (Requires Revered WSG Reputation)/ Outrider’s Bow sold By Kelm Hargunth (Requires Revered WSG Reputation).

Two-Hand Weapon:  Glacial Stone is a reward from Raene’s Cleansing (Alliance only)/  Night Reaver – Shadowfang Keep drop.


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