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WoW Classic: 1-12 Horde Leveling Guide (Mulgore)

WoW Classic: 1-12 Horde Leveling Guide (Mulgore)

1-6 – Mulgore


  1. Right in front of you accept The Hunt Begins.
  2. Do it, killing Plainstraiders around the area.
  3. Turn it in and accept The Hunt Continues and Note quest (depends on class).
  4. Turn in “Etched Note”, speaking to your class trainer. Accept A Humble Task in the hut.
  5. Go to well at the 50.81 and turn in “A Humble Task”, take the next part. Pick up a Water Pitcher.
  6. Go back to Camp and turn in “A Humble Task”. Accept Rites of the Earthmother.
  7. Go south, turn in “Rites of the Earthmother” and get Rite of Strength.
  8. Kill Mountain Cougars for “The Hunt Continues”. Turn it in, accept The Battleboars and Break Sharptusk!
  9. Travel to the cave at 58.85 and kill Battleboars along the way. Do “Rite of Strength”. Kill Chief Sharptusk Thornmantle for “Break Sharptusk!”.
  10. Go to the cave 63.82 and loot Dirt-stained Map, which starts Attack on Camp Narache.
  11. Once all quests are completed hearth to Camp Narache and turn them in. Accept Rites of the Earthmother.
  12. Go to 38.81 and do A Task Unfinished.
  13. Follow road to Bloodhoof Village. Hit 6 level and take new spells.

6-8 – Mulgore


  1. Accept Dangers of the Windfury.
  2. Go into the Inn, learn Apprentice First Aid. Turn in “A Task Unfinished”. Make Village your home.
  3. Outside the inn turn in Rites of the Earthmother. Accept Sharing the Land, Dwarven Digging, Rite of Vision, Poison Water and Swoop Hunting.
  4. Turn in “Rite of Vision” and accept the next part.
  5. Accept Mazzranache at 47.57.
  6. Go east and do “Rite of Vision”. Start doing “Poison Water”, “Swoop Hunting” and “Mazzranache” around the area.
  7. Do “Sharing the Land” around 52.70.
  8. Go east and do “Dangers of the Windfury” (62.71).
  9. Find Morin Cloudstalker. He’s patrolling the road to Barrens (around 54.60). Accept The Ravaged Caravan.
  10. Do it, turn in quest to Sealed Supply Crate and take the next part.
  11. Teleport to Village and turn in quests. Take Winterhoof Cleansing and the next part of Rite of Vision.
  12. Turn in “Mazzranache”.

8-10 – Mulgore


  1. Go to Morin Cloudstalker and turn in “The Ravaged Caravan”, accept The Venture Co. and Supervisor Fizsprocket.
  2. Do “Winterhoof Cleansing”. Use the Winterhoof Cleansing Totem on wells.
  3. Turn in “Winterhoof Cleansing”, accept Thunderhorn Totem.
  4. Kill Prairie Stalkers and Flatland Cougars, while doing next quests.
  5. Go do Dwarven Digging. Kill dwarves for their Picks and use them near Forge to break.
  6. Turn in “Rite of Vision” (33.36), accept Rite of Wisdom.
  7. Accept A Sacred Burial (60.25)
  8. Turn in “Rite of Wisdom” and accept Journey into Thunder Bluff.
  9. Do a “Sacred Burial”.
  10. Turn in near 60.25.
  11. When you finish “Thunderhorn Totem”, you should be 1 bar from 10 level. Hearth back to Village and turn in all quests. Accept The Hunter’s Way and Thunderhorn Cleansing.
    NOTE: At the level 10 take the class quests at the Bloodhoof Village.
  12. Do “Thunderhorn Cleansing” and go to Thunder Bluff.
  13. In Thunder Bluff take Preparation for Ceremony.
  14. Turn in “Journey into Thunder Bluff” and take the follow-up quest.

10-12 – Mulgore/Barrens


  1. Do “Supervisor Fizsprocket” with “The Venture Co.”. Supervisor Fizspockets locates in the cave.When you enter, hold the right side to reach him.
  2. Die and resurrect at spirit. Turn in “Dwarven Digging”.
  3. Turn in “Thunderhorn Cleansing” to Mull Thunderhorn and accept Wildmane Totem.
  4. Find Morin Cloudstalker and turn in quests to him.
  5. While doing next steps, kill Wolves for “Wildmane Totem”
  6. Do “Rites of the Earthmother”. Kill Arra’chea
  7. Do “Preparation for Ceremony” (around 55.17).
  8. Go to TB. Accept The Barrens Oases at the Elder Rise.
  9. Turn in “Rites of the Earthmother”.
  10. Turn in “The Hunter’s Way” and get Sergra Darkthorn
  11. Turn in “Preparation for Ceremony”
  12. Teleport to Bloodhoof Village. Turn in “Wildmane Totem” and accept Wildmane Cleansing
  13. Go north and do it.
  14. You should be 12 already, get new spells.
  15. Run into Barrens, Camp Taurajo. Get flightpath there.
  16. Accept Journey to the Crossroads. Go to there.
  17. Turn in “The Barrens Oases”, accept The Forgotten Pools.
  18. Turn in “Sergra Darkthorn” and get Plainstraider Menace.
  19. Make XRoads your home.
  20. Turn in “Journey to the Crossroads”. Accept all quests: Raptor Thieves, Disrupt the Attacks, Supplies for the Crossroads, Harpy Raiders, Fungal Spores, Wharfmaster Dizzywig and A Bundle of Hides.
  21. Turn in “A Bundle of Hides”.
  22. Go to North-East and do “Disrupt the Attacks”. Kill Raptors and Plainstriders along the way.
  23. Turn in “Disrupt the Attacks” and accept new one.

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