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WoW Classic : 1-12 Alliance Leveling Guide (Teldrassil)

1-6 – Shadowglen, Teldrassil

1-6 Shadowglen(1)1) In front of you accept The Balance of Nature.
2) Kill Young Nightsabers and Young Thistle Boars around.
3) Accept The Woodland Protector at 60.42.
4) Turn in “The Woodland Protector” to Tarindrella, accept the next part.
5) Kill Grell and Grellkin.
6) Turn it in.
7) Turn in “The Balance of Nature” accept the next part. 
8) At 61.42 accept A Good Friend.
9) Take Webwood Venom.

1-6 Shadowglen (2)

1) Go to Iverron to turn in “A Good Friend”, accept follow up quest.
2) Kill Webwood Spiders around.
3) Do “The Balance of Nature”, kill 7 Mangy Nightsabers and 7 Thistle Boars.
4) Die and resurrect at the spirit.
5) Return to Conservator Ilthalaine, turn in “The Balance of Nature”. Also get your class’s quest “Etched …”.
6) At 61.42 turn in “A Friend in Need”, accept Iverron’s Antidote.
7) Turn in “Webwood Venom”, take the next part.
8) Kill/loot Grellkin for the Hyacinth Mushrooms.  
9) Around 58.38 loot Moonpetal Lily.

1-6 Shadowglen (3)

1) Do “Webwood Egg” and finish “Iverron’s Antidote”.
2) Teleport to starting location
3) Turn in “Iverron’s Antidote”, “Webwood Egg”, “Tenaron’s Summons, “Iverron’s Antidote”. Accept follow up quests.
4) Fill the Crystal Phial in the Moonwell at 60.33.
5) Die and resurrect at spirit.
6) At the top of the biggest tree turn in “Crown of the Earth”, accept the next part.
7) While leaving Shadowglen, accept Dolanaar Delivery.

6-10 – Dolanaar

Dolanaar 6-10 (1)1) On the road to Dolanaar accept Zenn’s Bidding.
2) Make sure you almost reach 6 level.
3) Accept Denalan’s Earth, A Troubling Breeze, Twisted Hatred and The Emerald Dreamcatcher.
4) In the Inn turn in “Dolanaar Delivery” and make Dolanaar your home.
5) Turn in “Crown of the Earth” and accept the next part.  

Dolanaar 6-10 (2)1) At Lake Al’Ameth turn in “Denalan’s Earth”. Accept Timberling Seeds and Timberling Sprouts.
2) Near the lake do “Timberling Seeds” and “Timberling Sprouts”.
3) Return and turn in finish quests. Accept Rellian Greenspyre.
4) Start doing “Zenn’s Bidding”.
5) Fill Jade Phial in the Moonwell at 63.58.
6) Turn in “A Troubling Breeze” to Gaerolas, accept Gnarlpine Corruption.
7) Loot Tallonkai’s Dresser.
8) Finish “Zenn’s Bidding”
9) Return to Zenn and turn in “Zenn’s Bidding”. Save Severed Voodoo Claw for future.
10) At Dolanaar accept Seek Redemption!
NOTE: Save Small Spider Legs for future.
11) Turn in “Gnarlpine Corruption” and “Crown of the Earth” , accept next parts.
12) Learn cooking and accept Recipe of the Kaldorei. If you have Small Spider Legs, turn it in.

6-10 Dolanaar (3)

1) Do Seek Redemption! Find 3 Fel Cones.
2) At Zenn Foulhoof turn in “Seek Redemption!”.
3) You should be level 8 now.
4) In the cave at 55.52 do “Twisted Hatred”, slay Lord Melenas. Tip: Use Severed Voodoo Claw to kill him.
5) At Dolaaran turn in “Twisted Hatred” and “The Emerald Dreamcatcher”, accept Ferocitas the Dream Eater.
6)  Kill 7 Gnarlpine Mystics and Ferocitas the Dream Eater around 69.53.
7) Teleport to Dolanaar.
8) Turn in “Ferocitas the Dream Eater”.

6-10 Dolanaar(4)

1) Find Moon Priestess Amara, accept The Road to Darnassus.
2) Do “The Road to Darnassus”.
3) In the Den (44.58), do part of “The Relics of Wakening, loot Black Feather Quill and Rune of Nesting.
4) Accept “The Sleeping Druid” at 45.62.
5) To complete “The Sleeping Druid”, kill Gnarlpine Shaman until you receive the Shaman Voodoo Charm.
6) Loot the Chest of the Sky (45.62) for the “Sapphire of Sky”.
7) Turn in “The Sleeping Druid”, accept Druid of the Claw.
8) Do “Druid of the Claw”.
9) Finish “The Relics of Wakening” at 46.57 , loot Raven Claw Talisman.
10) Turn in “Druid of the Claw”  and leave the cave.

Dolanaar 4

1) Fill Tourmaline Phial at 42.67.
2) You should be close to level 10 now.
3) Find Moon Priestess Amara, turn in “The Road to Darnassus”.
4) If you’ve completed “The Relics of Wakening” turn it in at 56.57, accept Ursal the Mauler.
5) South at the Moonwell at Dolanaar, turn in “Crown of the Earth”, accept the next part.
6) You should be level 10 right now, if not grind to it.

10-12 – Teldrassil

Teldrasill 10-12 (1)

1) Accept The Glowing Fruit from the Plant.
2) Do “Ursal the Mauler” around 39.80.
3) Die and resurrect at the spirit. If you didn’t have that quest do:
4) Accept  The Enchanted Glade at 38.34.
5) Fill Amethyst Phial in the moonwell.
6) Start killing Timberling mobs.
7) Kill Blackmoss the Fetid at 44.30. He drops an item, which starts The Moss-twined Heart, accept it.
8) For “Tears of the Moon” kill Lady Sathrah.
9) Finish “Tumors” around 43.28.
10) At the Strange Fronded Plant accept The Shimmering Frond.
11) For “The Enchanted Glade” kill Bloodfeather harpies.  While doing this quest, do next steps:
12) Start escort from Mist.
13) Once you’re sure “The Enchanted Glade” is finished, lead Mist to the Moonwell at 38.34 and turn in “The Enchanted Glade” and “Mist”. Accept Teldrassil.

Teldrasill 10-12 (2)

1) Die and resurrect in Darnassus.
2) At Cenarion Enclave turn in “Tumors”, accept Return to Denalan.
3) In the tree turn in  “Teldrassil”, accept Grove of the Ancients.
4) At the Temple of the Moon turn in  “Tears of the Moon”, accept Sathrah’s Sacrifice.
5) At the fountain do “Sathrah’s Sacrifice”.
6) Go back up the ramp in the Temple of the Moon and turn in “Sathrah’s Sacrifice”.
7) Teleport to Dolanaar.
8) Turn  in “Crown of the Earth” and “Recipe of the Kaldorei”, accept the next part.
9) At the Lake turn in “The Moss-twined Heart”,”The Glowing Fruit”, “The Shimmering Frond” and “Return to Denalan”, accept Oakenscowl.
10) Accept “Planting the Heart” and turn it in.
11) Accept “Oakenscowl”.  At Sprouted Frond complete The Sprouted Fronds.

10-12 Teldrasil (3)

1) Find party for “Oakenscowl” or try to do it solo. Use a Sprouted Frond and the Severed Voodoo Claw to help.
2)Turn it in.
3) You should be level 12 now.
4) Go to Darnassus.
5) At the tree tower turn in “Crown of the Earth”.
6) Go to the pink teleport in Darnassus.
7) At Rut’theran Village Turn in “Nessa Shadowsong”, accept the next part.
8) At the Hippogryph Master turn in “The Bounty of Teldrassil”, take Flight to Auberdine. Fly there.
9) Turn in “Flight to Auberdine” (37.44), accept Return to Nessa.
10) Fly back to Teldrassil.
11) Turn in “Return to Nessa”.
12) Fly to Auberdine again.


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