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Elysium Drama: What’s behind and what’s next? Light’s Hope…

Elysium Drama: What’s behind and what’s next? Light’s Hope…

In late evening of Monday, October 16, around 10.000 players were peacefully playing on Elysium PVP realm, nothing had predicted any trouble… And a sudden thunderstorm through the midnight: everyone got disconnected, a mess around, people could not log in. Questions: Have I been hacked? Has Elysium been shut down? Where to play now?! What’s going on?

Well known Whitekidney (system administrator on Elysium) and 9 other developers/game masters made a copy of whole database and removed it from the server where 3 realms were based on.

Why did they do it?

One of the head administrators, Crogge, had exclusive opportunity to create any amount of gold and any kind of characters: Full Tier 2, 14th PVP rank, anything! It was whole black market using 3rd party websites and sellers. Many people got banned right after spending lots of money on their services. That is really disrespectful towards the community and other stuff members. Most of them are volunteers, giving their free time to the project, when they just could spend it with friends or family.

Another disgusting story involving Shenna, one of the leaders as well. She had access to PayPal account, where everyone could send a donation and thank Elysium team for their hard work. Over 3000$ was taken by her for personal needs…


  • Old team doesn’t have access to the last copy of database, while Whitekidney and his team has actual database, that was saved an hour before the shutdown.
  • Around 80% of old team left old Elysium and joined to Light’s Hope Chapel Project.
  • Full control over donations and reports to the community about expenses/ revenues
  • All characters are saved in the same condition like an hour before the shutdown
  • All exploited characters and gold will be removed
  • Servers are back and online on Light’s Hope Chapel Project
  • Crestfall and TBC developers left old Elysium and joined Light’s Hope Chapel Project
  • Light’s Hope Chapel Project’s website with account manager is being developed and coming online in the shortest time

But still old corrupted team is trying to bring back old Elysium online. Unfortunately, their database copy is a “bit” outdated: 19/07/2017 for Darrowshire; 09/09/2017 for Elysium; 23/09/2017 for Anathemа. Low chances to revive to be fair…

So, it is time to move in to Light’s Hope Chapel and hope for the best.

set realmlist

By David Sandow,






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