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Cataclysm Classic Alliance 80-85 Leveling Guide: 83-84 Deepholm

Turn in The Battle is Won, The War Goes On. Get The Maelstrom and Eye of the Storm. Use the Waters of Farseeing, then turn in your quest. Go through the portal. Talk to Thrall and complete your quest. Hop on Aggra’s Wyvern and travel into the Maelstrom.
  1. Turn in your quest at the Temple of Earth. Get the five quests: Gunship Down, Elemental Energy, The Earth Claims All, The Explorers, and Where’s Goldmine?
    • To the west area of the Temple of Earth, turn in The Explorers. Get The Twilight Plot and Fly Over.
  2. Go to Goldmine and turn in your quest. Get Explosive Bonding Compound and Something that Burns.
    • Kill Rockslice Rippers nearby and gather 5 Quartzite Resin. Then, complete your quest.
  3. Use your Depleted Totem and kill Energized Geodes and Lodestone Elementals to Energize 8 Totems.
  4. Use Goldmine’s Fire Totem to summon Magmatooth. Kill him for The Burning Heart.
  5. Kill 5 Deepstone Elementals and gather the Three Clues at the Storm’s Fury Wreckage. Get Captain’s Log.
  6. Fly over the Masters’ Gate to get credit for investigating it. Also, kill the Twilight members for the Masters’ Gate Plans.
    • Return to Goldmine and turn in your quest. Get Apply and Flash Drive.
    • Use your Explosive Bonding Compound on Flint Oremantle. Get Take Him to the Earthcaller.
    • Return to the Temple of Earth.
  1. At the Temple of Earth, turn in your quests. Get To Stonehearth’s Aid, Diplomacy First, Decryption Made Easy, and Fight Fire and Water and Air with…
  2. Fly onto the alliance gunship. Turn in your quest. Get All Our Friends Are Dead and The Admiral’s Cabin.
    • Go into The Admiral’s Cabin and turn in yoru quest. Get Without a Captain or Crew.
    • Go outside and grab a Spool of Rope and Bottle of Whiskey. Also, use the Spirit Totem on 6 Slain Crew Members.
    • Return to First Mate Moody and turn in your quest, then return to Stormcaller Mylra and turn in your quest. Get Take No Prisoners and On Second Thought, Take One Prisoner.
    • Go below deck and kill 6 Twilight Saboteurs and Subdue Mor’norokk the Hateful.
    • Return to Stonecaller Mylra and turn in your quest. Then, hop on Stormbeak and listen to the interrogation. Then, turn in your quest. Get Return to the Temple of Earth.
    • Return to the Temple of Earth and turn in your quest. Get Deathwing’s Fall and Blood of the Earthwarder.
  3. Fly to Deathwing’s Fall. Complete your quest and get Bleed the Bloodshaper. Kill a Twilight Bloodshaper for the Twilight Orders. Get Question the Slaves.
    • In the camp, get the Twilight Slaver’s Key. Kill Living Blood for 5 Blood of Neltharion.
  4. Go to the Forgemaster’s Log and complete your quest. Get Silvermarsh Rendevous.
  5. Fly to Upper Silvermarsh. Complete your quest and get Quicksilver Submersion. Kill Troggs to get Maziel’s Research, which starts the quest Twilight Research. Also, pick up the Trogg Crate. Kill Mercurial Oozes for 4 Twilight Research Notes. Complete your quest and get Maziel’s Revelation.
    • Use the Trogg Crate and SWIM up (remain submerged inside the water) to Milhouse Manastorm. Complete your quest and get The Twilight Overlook.
  6. Go to Maziel’s Journal and turn in your quest. Get Maziel’s Ascendancy.
    • Then, go into the cave to the northeast and kill Maziel.
  7. Fly to Stormcaller Mylra.
  1. At Stormcaller Mylra, turn in your quest. Get Big Game, Big Bait, To Catch a Dragon, and Into the Stonecore (Dungeon).
  2. Kill a Twilight Dragonstalker for a Twilight Snare, and kill 5 Jadescale Basilisk and use Mylra’s Knife on their corpses for 5 Side of Basilisk Meat.
    • Return to Stormcaller Mylra and turn in your quests. Get Testing the Trap.
  3. Use the Trapped Basilisk Meat at the bones. Kill the Stonescale Matriarch.
    • Return to Stormcaller Mylra and turn in your quest. Get Abyssion’s Minions and Block the Gates.
  4. Fly to Abyssion’s Lair. Kill 8 of Abyssion’s Underlings. Use the Stormstone at the two gates.
    • Return to Stormcaller Mylra and turn in your quests. Get The World Pillar Fragment.
    • Place the Earthen Ring Banner at the center of Abyssion’s Lair. Take cover behind a pillar when the Shadow Nova is cast. Defeat Abyssion and collect The Upper World Pillar Fragment.
  5. Kill the Bound Fire, Water, and Air Elemental – you can find them in the huge pillars. Also, Use 6 One-Time Decryption Engines to decrypt 6 plans to complete your quest. Get The Wrong Sequence.
  6. Use the Waygate Controller at the Waygate.
  7. Fly up and kill Haethan Kaul.
  1. Fly to Crag Rockcrusher and turn in To Stonehearth’s Aid. Get The Quaking Fields.
  2. Fly to Slate Quicksand and turn in your quest. Get The Axe of Earthly Sundering and Elemental Ore.
  3. Kill Jade Ragers for 6 Elemental Ore. Use the Axe of Earthly Sundering on 5 Emerald Colossus and kill them.
    • Then, return to Slate Quicksand and turn in your quests. Get One With the Ground. Talk to him again to begin the ritual. Upon arrival, complete the quest. Get Bring Down the Avalanche. Kill Avalanchion. Exit the cave to the north.
    • Then, return to Crag Rockcrusher and turn in your quest. Get Stonefather’s Boon.
  4. Get We’re Surrounded from Earthbreaker Dolomite. Use the Stonefather’s Banner near 12 Stonehearth Defenders and Kill 12 Stone Trogg Ambusher.
    • Then, return and turn in your quests. Get Sealing the Way and Thunder Stones.
    • Collect 12 Thunder Stone. Use your Rockside Reagents on the 4 Earthen Geomancers.
  5. Fly to the Fractured Front. Turn in your quests. Get Shatter Them!, Fixer Upper, and Battlefront Triage.
    • Use Deepvein’s Patch Kit on 10 Injured Earthen, Gather 6 Catapult Parts, and Kill 12 Fractured Front Stone Troggs.
    • Return to turn in your quests and get Troggzor the Earthinator.
  6. Kill Troggzor the Earthinator and loot The Earthinator’s Cudgel.
    • Return to Gravel Longslab and turn in your quest. Get Rush Delivery.
    • Fly to the catapult and turn in your quest. Get Close Escort.
  7. Escort the catapult to Needlerock Slag.
  1. At Pyrium Lodestone, turn in your quest. Get Keep Them Off the Front.
    • Get in an Earthen Catapult and Bombard 30 Reinforcements. Turn in your quest and get Reactivate the Constructs and Mystic Masters.
  2. Fly north and Activate 5 Deactivated War Constructs. Kill 5 Needlerock Mystics.
    • Return to Pyrium Lodestone and turn in your quest. Get Down Into the Chasm.
  3. Fly to Slate Quicksand. Turn in your quest. Get Sprout No More and Fungal Monstrosities. Make sure to grab a war guardian before heading out.
  4. Destroy 5 Giant Mushroom. Kill 5 Fungal Monstrosity.
    • Return to Slate Quicksand. Turn in your quest and get A Slight Problem.
    • Return to Pyrium Lodestone and turn in your quest. Get Rescue the Stonefeather… and Flint.
  5. Fly up to Stonefather Oremantle. Kill Bouldergut.
    • Return to Pyrium Lodestone and turn in your quest. Get The Hero Returns.
  6. Fly to Stonehearth and turn in your quest. Get The Middle Fragment. Open the vault behind Stonefather Oremantle to get The Middle Fragment of the World Pillar.
  1. At the Temple of Earth, turn in all your quests. Get That’s No Pyramid! and The Very Earth Beneath Our Feet.
  2. Fly to Earthcaller Torunscar. Turn in your quest. Get Crumbling Defenses, On Even Ground, and Core of Our Troubles.
    • Relieve the three shaman by killing the mobs attacking them. Also kill Irestone Rumblers for 6 Irestone Core and use the Elementium Grapple Line on 3 Servant of Therazane (and then run away from them).
    • Return to Earthcaller Tournscar and turn in your quests. Get Imposing Confrontation.
  3. Read the Earthen Ring Proclamation to Boden the Imposing.
    • Return to Earthcaller Tournscar and turn in your quest. Get Rocky Relations.
  4. Fly to Diamant the Patient.
  1. At Diamant the Patient, turn in your quest. Get Hatred Runs Deep, Unsolid Ground, and Loose Stones.
  2. At Lorthuna’s Gate, use the Delicate Chain Smasher to free 6 Quartz Rocklings, gather 6 Jade Crystal Cluster then combine them and use it to lure an Agitated Tunneler, and kill 12 Lorthuna’s Gate Cultists and Dragul Giantbutcher.
    • Return to Diamant and turn in your quests. Get Violent Gale.
  3. Fly to Felsen the Enduring.
  4. Fly to the Crumbling Depths entrance. Complete your quest and get Depth of the Depths.
  5. Travel deep into the depths to the Gigantic Painite Cluster.
    • Return to Diamant the Patient and turn in your quest. Get Entrenched.
  6. Fly to Kor the Immovable.
  1. At Kor the Immovable, turn in your quest. Get Intervention, Making Things Crystal Clear, and Putting the Pieces Together.
  2. At the Shuddering Spines, Kill 12 Jaspertip Flayers, Gather 8 Chalky Crystal Formation, and Reform 6 Stonebound Elemental.
    • Return to Kor the Immovable. Turn in your quests. Get Pebble. Talk to Pebble and complete your quest, and get Clingy.
  3. Fly to the Crystal Formation. Fend off the Jaspertip Crystal-gorgers. Complete your quest and get So Big, So Round…
    • Return to Kor the Immovable. Turn in your quest. Get Petrified Delicacies and Rock Bottom.
  4. Kill Gorgonite. Pick up 12 Petrified Stone Bat nearby.
    • Return to Kor the Immovable. Turn in your quest. Get Steady Hand and Rocky Upheaval.
  5. Fly to Terrath the Steady.
  1. At Terrath the Steady, turn in your quest. Get Don’t. Stop. Moving. Talk to Terrath again to start the quest.
  2. Fly near the ground to the Stone Circle to quickly escort the Opalescent Guardians.
    • Return to Terrath the Steady. Turn in your quest. Get Hard Falls and Fragile Values.
  3. Kill the Stone Trogg Beast Tamer for a Stonework Mallet.
  4. Kill 6 Stone Drake.
    • Return to Terrath the Steady. Turn in your quests. Get Resonating Blow.
  5. At the Resonating Crystal, use the Stonework Mallet. Hop up the rocks. Jump from rock to rock to avoid Aeosera’s attacks and attack her until you defeat her.
    • Return to Terrath the Steady. Turn in your quest.
  6. Fly to Gorsik the Tumulous.
  1. Fly to Gorsik the Tumulous. Turn in your quest. Get Doomshrooms, Gone Soft, and Familiar Intruders.
  2. At Windspeaker Lorvarius, turn in your quest. Get A Head Full of Wind.
  3. Enter the red mist. Nearby, kill 10 Doomshrooms and 8 Fungal Behemoths.
    • Return to Windspeaker Lorvarius and turn in your quest. Get Unnatural Causes.
    • Return to Gorsik the Tumulous and turn in your quests. Get Shaken and Stirred and Corruption Destruction.
  4. In the canyon below, kill 8 Verlok Pillartumblers.
  5. Gather 8 Verlok Miracle-Grow.
    • Return to Gorsik the Tumultuous and turn in your quests. Get At the Stonemother’s Call.
  6. Fly to Therazene.
  1. At Therazene, turn in your quest. Get Audience with the Stonemother and listen to the speech. Then, turn in the quest and get Rallying the Earthen Ring.
  2. Go to the Temple of Earth. In the back rooms, talk to the members of the Earthen Ring and rally the 5 members. Turn in your quest and get Our Part of the Bargain.
  3. Fly to Therazene’s new location and turn in your quest. Get The Stone March, Therazane’s Mercy, and The Twilight Flight.
  4. In the Twilight Precipice, kill Boldrich Stonerender, High Priestess Lorthuna, Zoltrik Drakebane, and 15 Twilight members.
    • Then, turn in your quests. Get Word in Stone.
    • Fly back to the Temple of Earth. Turn in your quest. Get Undying Twilight.
    • Defend the west side of the Temple of Earth. Kill 12 Twilight Invaders and a Desecrated Earthrager.
    • Complete the quest and get The Binding. Kill High Priestess Lorthuna. Complete your quest.
    • Return to Stormwind.

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