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WoW TBC Classic Alliance 60-70 Leveling Guide: 61-63 Zangarmash

Cenarion Refuge

01) As you enter Zangarmarsh, from the right side accept “The Umbrafen Tribe” and “Plants of Zangarmarsh” 80.64.
02) NW in town, in the Inn and on your left inside take “The Dying Balance” 78.63.
03) Make Cenarion Refuge your new home for your Hearthstone.
04) At the Inn’s balcony turn in “The Cenarion Expedition“. Accept “Disturbance at Umbrafen Lake” and “Warden Hamoot” 78.62.
05) From the Wanted Poster at the tower entrance at 79.65 take “Leader of the Darkcrest” and “Leader of the Bloodscale“.
06) At the top of the tower turn in “Warden Hamoot” (79.65, #2 on map is tower entrance), accept “A Warm Welcome“.


07) Go NW to the Alliance town Telredor (elevator entrance at 71.49).
08) Go into the town, make a right down the steps and accept “Fulgor Spores” 69.49.
09) By the water fountain accept “The Boha’mu Ruins” 68.49.  And if you are level 62 accept “The Orebor Harborage“.
10) Next to you between the steps accept “Unfinished Business” 69.49.
11) Next to you accept “The Dead Mire” 68.50.  If available (at lvl 62), do NOT accept “The Fate of Tuurem“.
12) Up the steps next to you get the Flight Path from the Hippogryph Master /target 68.51.
13) Up the steps north in town accept “Menacing Marshfangs” and “Too Many Mouths to Feed” 68.48.

NOTE: Start working on the next 3 steps/quests while doing the next few sections:
01) Start Working On: “Plants of Zangarmarsh” by kill/looting almost any mob in Zangarmarsh for the plant parts (and remember not to sell your plant parts to a vendor!):
02) Start Working On:  “Fulgor Spores” right around under Telredor, loot the green Fulgor Spores:
03) Start Working On:  “Menacing Marshfangs” around the NE side of Zangarmarsh (except The Dead Mire area) kill any Marshfang Rippers you see along the way:
04) NE at The Dead Mire do “Unfinished Business“: kill Sporewing /target (patrols around 77.45).
05) Around The Dead Mire do “The Dead Mire“: loot a Dead Mire Soil off the ground.  Here are a few of the locations it could be at: 81.44, 81.37, 79.36, 84.43. 
NOTE: Do not sell the Bog Lord Tendrils to a vender you will need them later!
06) Just south of Cenarion Refuge around 82.75 do “The Dying Balance“: kill Boglash /target (lvl 61 Elite tall strider mob).  
NOTE: He patrols up and down the swamp, easy to solo but be prepared.
07) Go south to Umbrafen Village and do “The Umbrafen Tribe“: kill the required amount of Umbrafen mobs and Kataru is very south of the village up in the hut 85.91.  
NOTE:  There is only a few Umbrafen Witchdoctor /target spawns.
08) In the middle of the village, in a hut 83.85, accept and do the escort “Escape from Umbrafen“: escort Kayra Longmane /target to the north near Cenarion Refuge. A few waves of mobs will spawn, but not difficult.
09) Around the shoreline of Umbrafen Lake start working on “Too Many Mouths to Feed” by killing any Mire Hydra you see along the way to the next step:
10) Go SW of Umbrafen Lake at the steam pump and do “Disturbance at Umbrafen Lake“: simply go to 71.80 to get the lake investigated.
11) Hearth to Cenarion Refuge.

Cenarion Refuge

01) At the Inn’s balcony turn in “Disturbance at Umbrafen Lake” (accept “As the Crow Flies“) and “Escape from Umbrafen” 78.62.
02) There on the balcony do “As the Crow Flies“: use the Stormcrow Amulet quest item right there to complete the quest (a crow will fly you around for a few minutes). Once you land, turn this in and accept “Balance Must Be Preserved“.
03) In the Inn turn in “The Dying Balance” 78.63.
04) East in town turn in (if you did it) “Plants of Zangarmarsh” 80.64. Next to you turn in “The Umbrafen Tribe“, accept “A Damp, Dark Place“. Next to you again accept “Saving the Sporeloks“.  
NOTE:  “Identify Plant Parts” is a repeatable quest for rep only, no XP.
05) Across the path by the moonwell, accept “Safeguarding the Watchers” 80.65.
06) If you are friendly with Cenarion Expedition then also accept “Blessings of the Ancients” (if not we will do this later).
07) If you have it do “Blessings of the Ancients“: talk to the 2 big Ancients at Cenarion Refuge, they patrol the paths around the town, but generally they stay in their spots. Talk to Ashyen /target, his usual spot is at 81.64, and:
08) Talk to Keleth /target, his usual spot is at 79.67.
09) Turn in at the moonwell (if you did it) “Blessings of the Ancients” (80.65, #5 on map).
10) In the Inn accept (if you are friendly with Cenarion Expedition) “Watcher Leesa’oh” and (if you are lvl 62) “What’s Wrong at Cenarion Thicket?” 79.63.

01) Go south to Funggor Cavern (cave entrance at 74.92) [continue working on “Too Many Mouths to Feed” along the way] and do “Saving the Sporeloks” along with “Safeguarding the Watchers” and “A Damp, Dark Place“: kill 10 Marsh Dredgers and 10 Lurkers. Kill Lord Klaq /target (He is the big reddish mob down in the middle of the cave), and see next step for the location of the Belongings:
02) Pick up Ikeyen’s Belongings (looks like a small chest on a rocky ledge, 71.98.
03) Exit the cave and go NW to the steam pump SW of Umbrafen Lake 71.80 and do part of “Balance Must Be Preserved“: use the Ironvine Seeds quest item on the Umbrafen Lake Controls to Disable it. Also while you are there kill/loot any Steam Pump Overseers /target you see, you may get an item which starts “Drain Schematics“, accept it, and you will have more chances later to obtain it.
04) GROUP 2+ Players: NW a bit to Darkcrest Enclave do “Leader of the Darkcrest“: kill Rajah Haghazed /target (a lvl 63 Elite naga in the small temple, 65.69).  
NOTE: This is very hard to solo, if you cannot find help right now, you can try soloing this later near the end of this guide when you are stronger.
05) North in Darkcrest Enclave at the Lagoon Steam Pump 63.64 do part of “Balance Must Be Preserved“: use the Ironvine Seeds quest item on the Lagoon Lake Controls to Disable it.
AGAIN:  Also while you are there kill/loot any Steam Pump Overseers /target you see, you may get an item which starts “Drain Schematics“, accept it, and you will have more chances later to obtain it.
06) Around the shoreline of The Lagoon lake or Umbrafen Lake finish “Too Many Mouths to Feed“: kill 10 Mire Hydras.
07) Hearth (if you can) to Cenarion Refuge.
08) East in town 80.64 turn in (if you haven’t yet) “Plants of Zangarmarsh“. And turn in “Saving the Sporeloks“, “A Damp, Dark Place“.
09) At the moonwell next to you turn in “Safeguarding the Watchers” 80.65.
10) By now you should for sure be friendly with Cenarion Expedition and should be able to accept and do (if you haven’t yet) “Blessings of the Ancients“:  talk to the 2 big Ancients at Cenarion Refuge, they patrol the paths around the town, but generally they stay in their spots. Talk to Ashyen /target, his usual spot is at 81.64, and:
11) Talk to Keleth /target, his usual spot is at 79.67.
12) Turn in at the moonwell (if you did it) “Blessings of the Ancients” (80.65, #8 on map).
13) In the Inn accept (if you haven’t yet) “Watcher Leesa’oh” 79.63.

01) Around the NE side of Zangarmarsh (except The Dead Mire area) finish “Menacing Marshfangs“: kill 10 Marshfang Rippers /target. Also finish the following at the same time:
02) Right around under Telredor finish “Fulgor Spores“: loot 6 Fulgor Spores (green mushrooms).
03) Go NW to the Alliance town Telredor (elevator entrance at 71.49).
04) Go into the town, make a right down the steps and turn in “Fulgor Spores” 69.49.
05) By the water fountain accept (if you haven’t yet and also are lvl 62) “The Orebor Harborage” 68.49.
06) Next to you between the steps turn in “Unfinished Business” 69.49, accept “Blacksting’s Bane“.
07) Next to you turn in “The Dead Mire” 68.50 , accept An Unnatural Drought“. If available (at lvl 62), SKIP “The Fate of Tuurem“.
08) West in town talk to the Innkeeper /target 67.49 to make Telredor your new home.
09) Up the steps north in town turn in “Menacing Marshfangs” 68.48, accept “Umbrafen Eel Filets“. And turn in “Too Many Mouths to Feed“, accept “Diaphanous Wings“.
10) NOTE: As we continue on with the rest of the Zangarmarsh guide start working on “Diaphanous Wings” by kill/looting any stinger bugs you may come across along the way for the 8 Diaphanous Wings. These mobs are spread all over the open fields of Zangarmarsh. We have until the end of this guide to get this finished and turned in so only kill/loot the ones along the way and don’t intentionally go around to find them:
11) Exit Telredor drop shortcut at 69.47, then go NE to The Dead Mire around 80.41 and do “An Unnatural Drought“: kill 12 Withered Giants. While doing this quest you should get an item (low drop rate) that starts “Withered Basidium“, accept it.
12) Go SW around Umbrafen Lake 74.58and do “Umbrafen Eel Filets“: kill/loot the Umbrafen Eels under the water. NOTES: Remember to use your Potion of Water Breathing quest item so you can breath underwater and try to save the other charges for future quests in Zangarmarsh. And there are a lot of Umbraglow Stingers around the shoreline for continuing with “Diaphanous Wings“.
13) GROUP 2+ Players: (IF YOU STILL NEED TO): west a bit to Darkcrest Enclave do “Leader of the Darkcrest“: kill Rajah Haghazed /target (a lvl 63 Elite naga in the small temple, 65.69).  
NOTE: This is very hard to solo, if you cannot find help right now, you can try soloing this later near the end of this guide when you are stronger.

01) North at the small temple in Bloodscale Grounds do “Leader of the Bloodscale“: kill/loot Rajis Fyashe /target (lvl 63 elite naga 65.41).  
NOTES: With good skill and preparation I think most classes should be able to solo this. We will turn this in near the end of the Zangarmarsh guide, so if you cant solo it consider coming back later if you find a small group to help you kill it.
02) Just west a bit do part of “Balance Must Be Preserved“: use the Ironvine Seeds quest item on the Serpent Lake Controls 62.41 to disable it. 
AGAIN:  Also while you are there kill/loot any Steam Pump Overseers /target you see, you may get an item which starts “Drain Schematics“, accept it, and you will have one more chance later to obtain it.
03) Hearth (if you can) to Telredor. If Hearthstone is still on a cooldown consider grinding on naga for a short while until you can hearth. Or you can just go to the elevator entrance at 71.49.
04) East in town turn in “Withered Basidium” 69.49 , accept “Withered Flesh“.
05) By the water fountain accept if you haven’t yet (you should be lvl 62 by now) “The Orebor Harborage” 68.49.
06) Next to you turn in “An Unnatural Drought” 68.50 .  SKIP “The Fate of Tuurem“.
07) Up the steps north in town turn in “Umbrafen Eel Filets” 68.48 and (if its finished) “Diaphanous Wings“.
08) Exit Telredor drop shortcut at 69.47, then go NE to The Dead Mire around 80.41 and do “Withered Flesh“: kill/loot Withered Bog Lords and Parched Hydra. Remember: Do not sell the Bog Lord Tendrils to a vender you will need them later!
09) Hearth (if you can) then turn in “Withered Flesh” 69.49 .  NOTE:  If Hearthstone is still on a cooldown, skip this step and we will turn this in later!:
10) Head SW to Feralfen Village and do “Nothin’ Says Lovin’ Like a Big Stinger“: kill/loot Blacksting /target 50.60.
11) Go SW to Boha’mu Ruins and do “The Boha’mu Ruins“: simply go in the small building 44.69 to get it Explored.
12) Go west and see if you can kill “Count” Ungula 33.59, he drops an item which starts “The Count of the Marshes“, accept it.  
NOTE:  He spawns every 5 minutes, but if he’s dead you don’t need to wait around as we will swing by around here later.

Cenarion Watchpost

NOTE: Starting here, loot any Glowcaps (orange mushrooms) you see along the way (and remember not to sell them to a vendor):
01) Head west to Cenarion Watchpost and turn in “Watcher Leesa’oh” 23.66, accept “Observing the Sporelings“.  Also turn in (if you have it) “The Count of the Marshes“.
02) West a bit accept “The Sporelings’ Plight” and “Natural Enemies” (NPC patrols around 19.64).
03) Just to the west at The Spawning Glen do “The Sporelings’ Plight” along with “Natural Enemies” and “Observing the Sporelings“: pick up 10 Mature Spore Sacs from the ground, kill/loot the Bog Lord Giants (of any type) for the Bog Lord Tendrils (you may already have enough saved up), and go to the middle of The Spawning Glen 15.61 to get it investigated.
04) East of The Spawning Glen turn in (NPC patrols around 19.64, #2 on map) “The Sporelings’ Plight” and “Natural Enemies“, accept “Sporeggar“.  
NOTE: To obtain this quest, you need to be Neutral with Sporeggar. If you can’t accept it, don’t worry about it right now then.  And remember you can turn in more Bog Lord Tendrils for the repeatable rep only quest “More Tendrils!“.
05) East at the Cenarion Watchpost turn in “Observing the Sporelings” 23.66 , accept “A Question of Gluttony“.
06) Go east to Quagg Ridge around 28.64 and do “A Question of Gluttony“: pick up 10 Discarded Nutriments from the ground (green glowing objects).
07) Back west at Cenarion Watchpost turn in “A Question of Gluttony” 23.66, accept “Familiar Fungi“.
08) Make sure you are now Neutral with Sporeggar so you can accept (if you haven’t yet) “Sporeggar” (NPC patrols around 19.64, #2 on map).  If not, then keep grinding on Bog Giants (of any type) in The Spawning Glen (to the west of you, #3 on map), until you are either neutral with Sporeggar, or you have 6 more Bog Lord Tendrils to turn in (at this NPC).  Once you do become neutral, accept “Sporeggar“.


01) Go north to Sporeggar and in the SE hut turn in “Sporeggar” 20.52.  Accept “Glowcap Mushrooms“.
02) Accept (in the northern hut) “Fertile Spores” 19.49.  
NOTE: The currency the Sporeggar uses is Glowcaps, so watch out you don’t lose all your Glowcaps to them.
03) While working on the next few sections start working on these 2 quests together:
04) “Fertile Spores“:  kill/loot the Spore Bats and Strider mobs (of any type) all around the open fields of Zangarmarsh.
05) “Glowcap Mushrooms“:  loot any Glowcaps (orange mushrooms) you see along the way.  
NOTE:  Remember not to sell your Fertile Spores or Glowcaps to a vendor!  While working on those continue on:
06) Go NE to the east side of Marshlight Lake and at the steam pump finish “Balance Must Be Preserved“: use the Ironvine Seeds quest item on the Marshlight Lake Controls 25.43 to Disable it. 
LAST CHANCE: While doing this quest an item should have dropped by now which starts “Drain Schematics“, accept it.  
NOTE:  The Steam Pump Overseers /target have a much higher drop chance for that item, but any Bloodscale naga could drop it.
07) Go north to the Alliance town Orebor Harborage and accept “Secrets of the Daggerfen” 41.29.
08) Next to you get the Flight Path from the Hippogryph Master /target 41.29.
09) North in town accept from the Wanted Poster “Wanted: Chieftain Mummaki” 42.27.
10) Next to you turn in “The Orebor Harborage” 42.27.  Accept “Ango’rosh Encroachment“, “Daggerfen Deviance” and “Concerns About Tuurem“.
11) Go south around 39.28 and do “Familiar Fungi” along with “Ango’rosh Encroachment“: kill/loot the Ango’rosh Ogres. Remember continue working on “Glowcap Mushrooms” by looting any Glowcap (orange mushrooms, #5 on map) from the ground you may see.
12) Go west to Daggerfen Village around 25.25 and start working on “Daggerfen Deviance“: kill DaggerfenAssassins and Muckdwellers. Do the next 2 quests while working on this one:
13) Do part of “Secrets of the Daggerfen“: search the village for a Daggerfen Poison Vial (has random spawns). Try some here: on table 25.25 next to flametorch 26.23 2 right here 24.23 on a crate 27.22.
14) Go to the top of the building and do “Wanted: Chieftain Mummaki“: kill/loot Chieftain Mummaki /target (actual #12 on map 24.27).
15) Next to you at the top of the tower (opposite side the Chieftain is at) do the last part of “Secrets of the Daggerfen“: loot the Daggerfen Poison Manual on the floor 24.27.
16) Finish “Daggerfen Deviance“: kill 3 Daggerfen Assassins and 15 Muckdwellers (#12 on map).
17) Back east at Orebor Harborage and turn in “Secrets of the Daggerfen” (#7 on map 41.29).
18) North in town 42.27 turn in “Ango’rosh Encroachment” (accept “Overlord Gorefist“), “Daggerfen Deviance” and “Wanted: Chieftain Mummaki“.
19) Now that you are Neutral with Kurenai, go in the Inn next to you and talk to the Innkeeper /target 42.26 make Orebor Harborage your new home 42.26.
20) Outside of the Inn, make a right and accept “Natural Armor” 42.27.
21) South a bit in the hut 41.29 accept “Stinger Venom“, “Lines of Communication” and “The Terror of Marshlight Lake“.

01) Go SE to the middle of Serpent Lake around 49.39 and do “Natural Armor“: kill/loot Fenclaw Thrashers (down in the water).  
NOTE: Remember to use your Potion of Water Breathing quest item so you can breath underwater.  Do the next quest in the same area also:
02) Directly in the middle of the lake do “Drain Schematics“: simply go to 50.41 to get the Drain Discovered to complete the quest. 
NOTE: You have to go up a little bit in the water then down in order to trigger this.
03) Go SW and start working on “Lines of Communication“: kill Marshfang Slicers starting around 38.47. 
Work your way to the next 2 steps while working on this one:
04) Go SW and kill (if you haven’t yet) “Count” Ungula 33.59, he drops an item which starts “The Count of the Marshes“, accept it.  
NOTE:  He spawns every 5 minutes, you may have already did this sooner, but this is the last time we stop here so do this if you haven’t yet. You can grind on Marshfang Slicers in the meantime until he respawns.
05) At Cenarion Watchpost turn in “Familiar Fungi” 23.66 (accept “Stealing Back the Mushrooms“) and (if you have it) “The Count of the Marshes“.
06) Make sure “Lines of Communication“, “Glowcap Mushrooms” and “Fertile Spores” are now finished. Kill 12 Marshfang Slicers (#3 on map). Pick up 10 Glowcap mushrooms from the ground (#6 on map). And kill/loot the Spore Bats and Strider mobs (of any type) all around the open fields of Zangarmarsh.  
REMINDER:  Remember not to sell your Fertile Spores or Glowcaps to a vendor!
07) Go NW to Sporeggar and in the southern hut turn in “Glowcap Mushrooms” 20.52.  
NOTE:  (if available) “More Glowcaps” is a repeatable quest for rep only, no XP.
08) In the northern hut turn in “Fertile Spores” 19.49.
09) Make sure you are now friendly with Sporeggar. If you’re not then grind on mobs at The Spawning Glen (SW in Zangarmarsh) until you are. Remember you can turn in more glowcaps or tendrils 19.64 for more rep.
10) Once you are friendly with Sporeggar, at Sporeggar accept “Now That We’re Friends…” (#8 on map 20.50).

01) As you do this section start working on “Stinger Venom“: kill/loot Fenglow Stingers and Marshlight Bleeders.  These are mostly found on the western side of Zangarmarsh:
02) Go NE to the small island in Marshlight Lake and do “Pursuing Terrorclaw“: kill Terrorclaw /target 22.46.
03) To the east side of Marshlight Lake, at Bloodscale Enclave around 25.42 do “Now That We’re Friends…“: kill 12 Bloodscale Slavedrivers and 12 Enchantresses.
04) Finish “A Warm Welcome“: obtain 30 Naga Claws from the Nagas around Zangarmarsh (try to finish them around #3 on map)..
05) Go to the island NW in Zangarmarsh (Ango’rosh Stronghold) and do “Overlord Gorefist” along with “Stealing Back the Mushrooms“: kill 10 Ango’rosh Maulers and kill Overlord Gorefist (in the hut up at 18.8). Also pick up the Box of Mushrooms on the ground. The ogres can drop the mushrooms as well and you should get most from them.
06) Go south to Sporeggar and turn in “Now That We’re Friends…” 20.50.  
NOTES:  This quest becomes a repeatable rep only quest, no XP. And most other quests here are optional Coilfang Reservoir dungeon quests that my guide does not cover.
07) Go SE to Cenarion Watchpost and turn in “Stealing Back the Mushrooms” 23.66.  
NOTE: You do not need to follow her as she does not give any more quests.
08) Finish “Stinger Venom“: kill/loot Fenglow Stingers and Marshlight Bleeders. These are mostly found on the western side of Zangarmarsh (#1 on map).
09) Hearth to Orebor Harborage.
10) Make a right out of the Inn and turn in “Overlord Gorefist” 42.27.
11) Next to you turn in “Natural Armor” 42.27, accept “Maktu’s Revenge“.
12) South in the hut 41.29 turn in “Stinger Venom“, “Lines of Communication” and “The Terror of Marshlight Lake“.

01) Go south to the small island at Serpent Lake and do “Maktu’s Revenge“: kill Mragesh /target.  He is under the water on the NE side of the island 42.41.
02) Back north at Orebor Harborage turn in “Maktu’s Revenge” 42.27 .
03) Go to the Hippogryph Master /target 41.29 and fly to Telredor, Zangarmarsh.
04) At Telredor go down by the water fountain and turn in “The Boha’mu Ruins” 68.49, accept “Idols of the Feralfen“.
05) Next to you between the steps turn in “Blacksting’s Bane” 69.49.
06) At the NE side of town turn in (if you haven’t yet) “Withered Flesh” 69.49.
07) West in town talk to the Innkeeper /target 67.49 to make Telredor your new home.
08) Up the steps north in town turn in (if its finished and if you still need to) “Diaphanous Wings” 68.48.
09) Exit Telredor and go SE to Cenarion Refuge and in the Inn accept (if you haven’t yet) “What’s Wrong at Cenarion Thicket?” 79.63.
10) On the Inn’s balcony turn in “Balance Must Be Preserved” and “Drain Schematics“. Accept “Warning the Cenarion Circle” 78.62.
12) East in town turn in (it should be done by now) “Plants of Zangarmarsh” 80.64.  
NOTE: You can turn additional in for more rep, but no XP.
13) Head east to Hellfire Peninsula and at the Cenarion Post (16.52 in Hellfire Peninsula) turn in “Warning the Cenarion Circle“, accept “Return to the Marsh“.
14) Go back west to Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh and at the Inn’s balcony turn in “Return to the Marsh” (#9 on map 78.62).  
NOTE: “Failed Incursion” is a dungeon quest at Coilfang Reservoir that my guide does not cover.

01) Head west to Feralfen Village around 49.61 and do “Idols of the Feralfen“: loot the Feralfen Idols off the ground.
02) Hearth (or go back) to Telredor (elevator entrance at 71.49).
03) At Telredor go down by the water fountain and turn in “Idols of the Feralfen” 68.49, accept “Gathering the Reagents“.
04) Exit Telredor drop shortcut at 69.47 and all over the open fields of Zangarmarsh do “Gathering the Reagents“: kill/loot the Sporebats (or Young Sporebats) and Fen Striders.  There is a good concentration of these mobs just NE of Telredor around 72.45.
05) Hearth (or go back) to Telredor (elevator entrance at 71.49, #2 on map).
06) At Telredor go down by the water fountain and turn in “Gathering the Reagents” 68.49 , accept “Messenger to the Feralfen“.
07) Exit Telredor and go SW to Boha’mu Ruins and do “Messenger to the Feralfen“: use your quest item Ahuurn’s Elixer then talk to Elder Kuruti (in the small building 44.69).
08) Finish (if you still need to) “Diaphanous Wings“: kill/loot stinger bugs for the 8 Diaphanous Wings. These mobs are spread all over the open fields of Zangarmarsh.  
NOTE:  You may have already completed and turned this in by now.
09) Hearth (or go back) to Telredor (elevator entrance at 71.49, #2 on map).
10) At Telredor go down by the water fountain and turn in “Messenger to the Feralfen” 68.49.
11) Up the steps north in town turn in (if you still need to) “Diaphanous Wings” 68.48.

For Hunters:
11a)  Now is the time to start considering if you want to get the highest tier Ravager pet (that comes with Gore Rank 9 and Dash Rank 3) if that is what you are using or want to use.  As said previously, ravagers do the most DPS out of all the pets in TBC (even more than cats), which can help you level faster.  If you choose to go this route then first understand that this new ravager we would be getting is in Blades Edge Mountains and getting there means we have to work our way through some level 65 mobs.  It’s usually best to use your current pet then abandon it once you get to your new ravager to tame, or you can go to the Stable Master 68.50 at Telredor and get the pet out you don’t mind abandoning for your new one.  You also need to be level 63 to proceed with this.
11b) New Ravager pet?: Go north to enter Blades Edge Mountains (entrance at 23.66). Work your way to the other side of the cave, you may need to kill some lvl 65 spiders.
11c) New Ravager pet?: Go NE on the main path, and right around Toshley’s Station (Alliance town around 59.69) tame a lvl 63 Rip-Blade Ravager for your new pet. Please note that there are multiple colors to choose from. The main reason to get this ravager is for Gore Rank 9, but also comes with Dash Rank 3 as well.
11d )New Ravager pet?: Go to the Gryphon Master 61.70 /target at Toshley’s Station and fly to Telredor, Zangarmarsh.

12) GROUP 2+ Players (or soloable?): (IF YOU HAVEN’T YET): south at Darkcrest Enclave do “Leader of the Darkcrest“: kill Rajah Haghazed /target (a lvl 63 Elite naga in the small temple, 65.69).  
NOTE: You will most likely be level 63 now just enough to possibly solo this.
13) At the top of the tower turn in “A Warm Welcome” and (if you did any of them) “Leader of the Darkcrest” and “Leader of the Bloodscale” 79.65.
14) East in town turn in any remaining plant parts you have at Lauranna Thar’well 80.64 /target.
15) Zangarmarsh is now FINISHED!  
NOTE: You can safely abandon any quests in Zangarmarsh if you didn’t do them (EXCEPT: “What’s Wrong at Cenarion Thicket?” and “Concerns About Tuurem“).
16) Head directly south on the path into Terokkar Forest… 83.94

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